
【撮影情報】エンパイア・ニューヨーク・ネイルスクール東京の名取由稀江校長と講師の斎藤友美恵先生が有名コスメ&ネイルブランド【LITTLE ONDINE】と【チュッパチャップス】とのコラボ新作ネイル商品の宣伝を担当しました。


この度、校長の名取由稀江と講師の斎藤友美恵先生が有名コスメ&ネイルブランド【LITTLE ONDINE】と【チュッパチャップス】とのコラボ新作ネイル商品の宣伝を担当しました。

The owner of YNNY, Yukie Natori, and our nail team were in charge of promoting the new nail products in collaboration with the famous cosmetic and nail brand 【LITTLE ONDINE】and【Chupa Chaps】


There are 8 new colors in total. The sophisticated colors and innovative products are sure to become the new trend of the next generation.



These nails have no nail damage and have no chemical smell at all. Everyone’s favorite chuppah chaps are made into a fun and playful nail design.


Brand @littleondineus
Little Ondine PR @raranyra
Nail design @yukiebeautyspa 
Nail design @yuumin5
Photography @nabetaman2
Styling @st_tatsuo
Hair & Makeup @yukotam89
Creative detection @augment_tokyo